On Wednesday 24 August 2011 23:37:50 Bruno Friedmann wrote:
On 08/23/2011 10:01 AM, Sascha Peilicke wrote:
On Tuesday 23 August 2011 00:25:42 Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
(about update-alternatives php)
Comment: Nope, same as last time: Why throwing away a working solution?
Because it does not work, increases complexity and there is only one supported $MAJOR php version, 5.X the "pear" update alternatives part did some funny things sometimes linking the pear executable with the "php5" executable.
Maybe we don't have that many PHP users, but so far I haven't heard any complaints 'bout our current PHP packages. According to what you describe above, it seems like 'pear' needs fixing instead.
This is waiting for pain when php6 will come out one day.
Well, the day PHP6 comes out we can introduce this layer again the codebase that was supposed to become PHP6 has been abandoned around a year ago..just FYI...
That doesn't meen it's never gonna happen.
Or if it is decided to have php4 in Factory again (for whatever reason).>> In that case, move along, seriously, Im not going to invest any time supporting insane scenarios.
To be honest, I don't care at all for PHP. For me, using it at all is already an insane scenario, but that is obviously highly subjective.
Darix and me just want to see that there is some consent about this move. Therefore I already said last time, put it on the list, get some feedback and if nobody cares, go ahead.
I don't get the start of those things, but sorry Sascha there's a lot of people using php5. And nobody doubted that.
forget php4 it's dead from almost 2 years now. php6 is not a actual question. and using update-alternatives, can be tricky sometimes. If you try to install openjdk and the sun one, knowing which one is actually your default jvm depend of the order the package is installed, and sometimes packages run update-alternative and change a previous working setup ... See, that's the kind of discussion we love to see _before_ reviewing such a rather bold move. Nobody is against change, even less so if it is for the better. The only question here is, if it really is for the better? AFAICS it's only 'bout throwing away a working solution without any real need.
I only have to look at this page to still see the need for update- alternatives: http://php.net/manual/en/migration53.incompatible.php
In many real use case, having 2 two php installed widely is not the best way to test, if you konw how it work or can fail in that case, with the pear modules and pecl ones. That's no case for or against update-alternatives. Just because you can install several different versions of PHP doesn't mean you're forced to do it. Install the one you want and be fine.
Perhaps trying to package each pear/pecl modules is not the solution, or at least that should be be enforced for example I will always manage them from the different repositories I need and not from ours repos.
The good news, is we will able to discuss about that in osc11 too. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sascha Peilicke