On 2022-06-21 19:04, Per Jessen wrote:
Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op dinsdag 21 juni 2022 18:09:13 CEST schreef Carlos E. R.:
AFAIR, it is the opensuse@opensuse.org address. That's the main address of the project.
No longer exists, it's users@, which is visited by a small group.
users@lists.opensuse.org has 1139 subscribers. Adding "users-de" with 616 subscribers though, and the users lists are quite visible, for a "small" group. (ignoring the overlap).
The users list is definitely the list to post a survey on users. That's the main list. The most important list. The most visible one.
Nonsense. Most visible one is factory@
That is at most your opinion, but as we know, regular users are not desired on factory.lists.
Exactly my point. If you want the feedback of users, you have to announce on the users' list (and other places).
As Mathias added, project.lists might not have that many regular users either.
And, few people responded to the survey...
For Project related stuff it always has been project@
+1. Mind you, I don't see any announcement of this survey there either (except today's reminder). Maybe just due to the failing archive list search.
I searched my local archive, which goes back 4 months at least, and I don' see any post with the word "survey" in the body.
Anyway, it's offtopic here and it's really up to Lubos how he wants to attract people to that survey :-)
Ok! -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from Elesar, using openSUSE Leap 15.3)