10 Feb
10 Feb
четвер, 8 лютого 2018 р. 12:40:20 EET Mykola Krachkovsky написано:
Well, between 2018-02-05, 18.0.0-185.1 (I expect that's a broken version, isn't it?) and today (2018-02-08, 18.0.0-187.1) I definitely rebooted several times (at least 3 times). I almost never use suspend to disk, so usually just switch off and back on the pc.
So, zypper dup downgraded Mesa to 18.0.0-186.1 and I got white screen again. What's going on with caches? Was 187 broken too? Was/Is 186 broken? It's rather simple to fix, but it'd be good for some more new information about this, can't find new info in [1]. 1. https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1079465 -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський