Gerald Pfeifer:
The converse is also true: No technology has ever saved an IT company that made bad legal (or to a lesser degree, possibly, marketing) choices.
The most prominent example to prove you wrong was Apple (between Jobs). They survived some pretty questionable legal and marketing decisions. I think they did because their core asset (a deep-rooted in-house techie culture) was rock solid.
Openess and Open Source are cornerstones of openSUSE and I have full expectation of the core openSUSE distribution heading more and more towards a fully Open Source solution.
While this sounds sweet I fail to see how Novell/opensuse wants to help the process when they choose RealPlayer for its default music player like they did for opensuse 11.
At the same time, we surely can (and should) make sure proprietary add-ons like fonts, Flash, RealPlayer, Java,... are enabled and easily consumable for those that want to leverage those.
Ok, given you don't agree to lock-in, inferior technology etc. Which you're almost always forced to do with proprietary stuff. I think instead of chasing proprietary add-ons (you'll never fully get it anyway) key distributions should put way more time and energy into coming up with original concepts. Wolfgang -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: