hi all, today i installed/updated the following package from Tumbleweed repo (http://dow nload.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss): yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-3.2.0-1.4 this automatically triggered the installation of: libyui8-3.3.3-1.1 libyui-ncurses8-2.48.4-1.1 after this, some time later today i tried to start yast again. but it crashed with the following error-message: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'YUIPluginException' what(): Couldn't load plug-in qt /sbin/yast2: line 448: 4421 Aborted (core dumped) $ybindir/y2start $module "$@" "$SELECTED_GUI" $Y2_GEOMETRY $Y2UI_ARGS luckily i found out that these packages are the problem, so i manually downloaded the previous version of yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-3.2.0-1.3. then i downgraded to yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-3.2.0-1.3 and removed the now not any more needed libyui8-3.3.3-1.1 and libyui-ncurses8-2.48.4-1.1. now yast works again. but what is the problem? why is yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-3.2.0-1.4 breaking yast so badly? does anybody else have this problem? -- Best Regards DI Rainer Klier Research & Development, DevOps Namirial GmbH