вівторок, 22 травня 2018 р. 05:16:52 EEST Linux Kamarada написано:
Hi, everyone!
My laptop is an Acer Aspire E15 with a built-in Bluetooth 4.0 adapter, namely Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth 4.0 (ID 04ca:3014).
I had to tweak Leap 42.3 for it work, here is a brief of what I did:
https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/524410-Qualcomm-Atheros-Bluetooth -4-0-(04CA-3014)-is-not-detected?p=2841609#post2841609
Then I was using the kernel-default 4.13.6 and kernel-firmware from the Kernel:stable OBS repo.
When I upgraded to Leap 15.0 Beta, I switched to the kernel-default 4.12.14 and kernel-firmware from the Leap 15.0 OSS repo.
Now, even though my Bluetooth adapter is working, I am not able to pair with my headset (Philips SHB3060) using the A2DP profile.
I installed Blueman, which gives some more control and information than GNOME's System Settings. Using Blueman, when I try to change my headset to the A2DP profile I get this:
"Failed to change profile to a2dp_sink"
I tested downloading Leap 15.0 GNOME Live, flashing it into an USB stick and booting from it. Bluetooth was not recognized at first, but blacklisting the acer_wmi module (see my forum post for details) and rebooting was enough. Then, Bluetooth worked normally (including switching to the A2DP profile).
So, I believe it is a problem on my setup, not on Leap 15.0 itself, i.e. a clean install would be half of the solution, the another half blacklisting the acer_wmi module and rebooting.
Any ideas on what changed and how I can make the A2DP profile work again?
Hm, I've got similar problem on auto connection, it's a PulseAudio bluetooth problem [1]. If I reconnect manually device using bluetooth plasmoid (I'm using KDE Plasma), A2DP works as expected. [1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92102 -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський