неділя, 3 вересня 2017 р. 09:34:25 EEST Andrei Borzenkov написано:
You may have hardware switch to select between iGPU and dGPU. In this case you simply need to flip it, presumably via BIOS settings.
I will check, but I don't want to switch to dGPU, as my main openSUSE Tumbleweed uses bumblebee and parallel (I'm trying to get worked) openSUSE with NVidia only is just for bug testing and Vulkan.
Assuming no hardware multiplexor, your xorg.conf is obviously wrong. You must have both iGPU and dGPU active in X configuration. Did you read https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/384.69/README/randr14.ht ml?
As I've managed to eliminate errors from Xorg.0.log it looks like this is the issue of blank black screen. Thanks, I will try to use that. Strange Arch wiki has nothing about that or I missed something. -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський