On 07/05/2024 05.55, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
On 06.05.2024 23:08, Bernhard M. Wiedemann via openSUSE Factory wrote:
We are slowly getting closer to where I want Slowroll to be.
Any chance to produce Slowroll images with integrated Slowroll repositories? My understanding is that currently images in https://download.opensuse.org/slowroll/ are just copies of Tumbleweed images?
installation DVDs are still hard, because those are built by product-builder that does not work with the snapshotted repo, because it is pulled back into OBS via download-on-demand. Maybe I could create NET isos. Meanwhile, there are images for VMs and cloud at https://download.opensuse.org/update/slowroll/images/?P=*qcow2 These are built with a modern kiwi. But still have some issues (outdated kernel-obs-build version, cloud-init blocks local root login by default) Ciao Bernhard M.