On Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 17:13:43 +0200, Bo Simonsen wrote: [...]
In a perfect world all software would be Open Source, but we don't live in such one. So we need in some way to support the users of our distribution in getting the software they need (proprietary or not).
agreed, but only on the proprietary part... But, why the heck did they then list htop as one example [1] to be available as a snap package? I'd understood if they listed some non-standard/non-open-source packages, but htop, libreoffice, ...? And, didn't we choose Linux because of its freedom because of mostly being open source? Why should we then compromise for getting *some* proprietary packages by switching to "snap", with an almost perfectly working package management in place - be it rpm or deb? I'm definitely not willing to do that! [1] <http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Portiert-Snap-kommt-fuer-viele-Linux-Distributionen-3238181.html> Just my 0.02 € ... Cheers. l8er manfred