On 8/24/22 03:24, Simon Lees wrote:
On 8/24/22 17:43, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
I have a newbie question about the decision about what targets a package in OBS are built for. I mean about the logic behind the choice of which to enable.
At the end of the day this is a manual decision by the maintainer of the packages / project.
I quite often find that packages are enabled for only 15.2, or only Tumblwweed. But it is quite common that the packages are not enabled for all current openSUSE/SUSE releases.
Adding new versions is a manual process so the maintainer needs to decide to do it, having 15.2 and nothing newer is probably a good sign no one is paying much attention to it.
For exampl (not a complaints against this ptroject! I just happen to be following the status of the tensorflow2 and it took me here as a unresolvable package):
Why would a project in devel:languages:python not have Factory enabled? I know that in user's own builds, them might unfortunately do this. But in a place like devel:languages:python, I would have thought the all current openSUSE/SUSE targets would generally be enabled.
It has openSUSE_Tumbleweed enabled which these days is generally more useful because it only rebuilds against changes that have been accepted into snapshots as opposed to openSUSE_Factory which used to trigger rebuilds earlier in the process which occasionally causes issues for users. Most of the time using them interchangably doesn't break much.
I think I can answer this question as the maintainer of VirtualBox, a project that is not derived from any version of SLE. Our development project is Virtualization/virtualbox. In it, all current versions of Leap as well as Tumbleweed are enabled. I branch that project and checkout that code whenever there is need to update the package. Once the code builds OK locally using osc, I check in the new code. That triggers a build for all enabled projects. Once it builds OK at OBS, I then use an 'osc sr' command to push it on to Tumbleweed/Factory. At that point, I branch and check out the code of all the Leap versions in maintenance from their updates project, and copy the new Virtualization/virtualbox code to that directory, then check in the new code to the appropriate updates project. Once a correct build there is confirmed, I then use an 'osc mr' command to push it on. For Leap versions not yet released such as Leap 15.5 at the moment, there is no updates project. For them, the project is submitted though the OBS web site. It would be a lot simpler if the Virtualization/birtualbox project could be used to push new code to the Leap updates project, but that step failed the last time I tried it, thus the differing treatment for released Leap versions. Larry