Dne 08. 04. 22 v 22:56 Matěj Cepl napsal(a):
Dne 08. 04. 22 v 22:14 Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar napsal(a):
Haven't seen or heard anything from the python maintainers on that topic for a while now (also no active staging in place; presumably they are working on the devel project space first). Last I know there were some low-lever blockers. Not sure if those are fixed by now.
Matej: do you know anything specific there? Any ETA?
The most problematic packages python-distributed and python-dask are in Factory, so we >> may decide on MOnday to go ahead with switching to python310.
The last message on the switch to python310 was back on 04/09/2022 which indicated that the switch might happen on Monday which would have been 04/11. It has been a month since then and I have not seen any update or mention of it. Is there an update on the switch to python310 or an estimated ETA ? Thanks!