On 05/28/2024 10:06 AM CEST Lubos Kocman via openSUSE Factory <factory@lists.opensuse.org> wrote:
Perfect I see that we have quite some volunteers!
I suggest the following as a next step! Let's meet all together and agree on some initial next steps. https://calendar.opensuse.org/teams/release/events/public-cloud-team
It is an hour slot before our weekly Thursday meeting. (we can agree on different timing for upcoming meeting).
Aside from that I've made a new team page https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:PublicCloud_team and referenced scope in https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Cloud (feel free to add yourself if you plan to attend kickoff).
And of course a "temporary" team logo referenced from wiki (feel free to comment/submit new proposals) :) https://github.com/openSUSE/artwork/pull/86
See you on Thursday!
Adding Alessandro aka Cabelo for awareness. He is the Founder of openSUSE for Innovators [1] and publisher of various openSUSE AMIs on AWS [2]. It would be nice to join efforts and learn from his experience. Dom [1] https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:INNOVATORS [2] https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/seller-profile?id=316c4831-85c2-4ec4-b2ba... -- The Wombelix Post https://dominik.wombacher.cc