2008/2/7, Stephan Kulow <coolo@novell.com>:
Am Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2008 schrieb Alex:
Why were they forcibly installed in the first place??
Because they are "recommended" packages and our alpha1 solver likes to make your system complete. As workaround edit /etc/zypp/locks and put all packages in there you don't want to see.
E.g. "doc"-Packages: Yast always insists on installing e.g. kdelibs3-doc, PolicyKit-doc, readline-doc and so on. (For PolicyKit-doc, I yesterday even caught Yast installing a *.i586.rpm-package on my 64bit-system without any kind of warning, something I really dislike, because I had some nasty system failures when 32bit (binary) packages were mistakenly installed by the package management system in former times.)
As said in the Alpha1 release announcement: please create test cases whenever you see something strange with package management. i586 packages on 64bit _is_ such a strange case.
Yast also insists on installing a full 32bit KDE3 subsystem on my 64bit system (with all the dozens of other necessary 32bit libs), although no 32bit KDE app at all is installed.
There is kdebase3-nsplugin which provides you access to 32bit flash-player and it's installed by default and pulls in many 32bit dependencies. Since (10.1?) KDE OBS repository has a package "kdebase3-nsplugin64" that isn't available in the official repository. I'm using it and all the plugins work correctly on Konqueror, both 64bit plugins and 32bit flash. Someone can explain it?
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