On Wed, 2020-01-08 at 15:38 +0100, Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:
Now what needs to be done: 1) package can be using just py2 and needs it -> remove it 2) package has optional support of py2 a) remove the part if you don't plan backporting b) add %bcond_without python2 and wrap it in if statements for the opensuse_version to enable it on old codestreams
After the bulk of 'killing' is done we will continue by creating specialized staging project where we will switch off the build of python2-* packages and have another list of stuff that needs adjustments.
do we know what will break in Tumbleweed when Python2 is removed? What if things break which we cannot fix short and mid term but which are essential for Tumbleweed?
If we talk about essential stuff in TW, then I'm afraid the 'drop python2 team' will have to step up their game. the final removal of python2 can only happen when Stagings pass. IIRC, Firefox still uses py2 in its own build system too. So that for one will be a fun challenge already. Clearly, I will not accept a python2 delreq before Firefox can build without it. in any case: SLE15 will have to maintain python2 'for quite a bit longer' - with factory first we can still benefit from the corporate maintenance that is nescessary there. It's not as urgent as some folks make it appear (also: a new python 2.x release is scheduled to be released in April - so much about py2 is EOL in January :P ) Cheers, Dominique