Hi, Am Samstag, 3. M?rz 2018, 20:03:00 CET schrieb Michael Hirmke:
Hi *,
after installing this snapshot I have lots of new warning messages in my journal logs:
This is caused by this change: ==== libqt5-qtbase ==== - Enable journald support (boo#1050461) so instead of arriving in ~/.local/share/sddm/xorg-session.log, they get written into the systemd journal now. This doesn't only affect plasma and applications started by it, but all applications using the Qt logging facilities started without a connected terminal. That there's quite a lot of additional journal messages now was a concern for the change, but it's rather minor compared to the benefit of having a more complete journal.
klauncher[2037]: Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerCh anged(QString,QString,QString)
kdeinit5[2040]: kf5.kded: No X-KDE-DBus-ServiceName found in "/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/kf5/kded/<xyz>.so"
with <xyz> being about 30 .so files.
kdeinit5[2040]: org.kde.kcoreaddons: Expected JSON property "X-KDE-OnlyShowOnQtPlatforms" to be a string list. Treating it as a list with a single entry: "xcb;"
ksmserver[2057]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[2088]: kf5.kcoreaddons.kaboutdata: Could not initialize the equivalent properties of Q*Application: no instance (yet) existing.
kdeinit5[2040]: kf5.kded: found kded module "dnssdwatcher" by prepending 'kded_' to the library path, please fix your metadata.
org_kde_powerdevil[2110]: QDBusArgument: read from a write-only object
plasmashell[2082]: kf5.karchive: bzDecompress returned -5
org_kde_powerdevil[2110]: powerdevil: Xrandr not supported, trying ddc, helper
and so on. There is a total of about 50 warning messages, I never had before.
I don't have any problems so far, but I am a bit fussy on warning and error messages. I'd like to keep my logs clean, so that real errors can't be overlooked. Perhaps some debug mode was activated?
Thx and bye. Michael.
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