Hi Lubos, Am Mi., 22. Nov. 2023 um 10:01 Uhr schrieb Lubos Kocman via openSUSE Factory <factory@lists.opensuse.org>:
Using /usr/bin/env python3 works for me since the responsibility to bump is not on user anymore.
It doesn't work because the rpm requirements will be on /usr/bin/env not on /usr/bin/python3, aka incorrect. We should rewrite such shebangs instead.
Bumping shebang sounds like too much work with every system-python change (I'm aware of the macro which covers it, if maintainer didn't do the job).
it wouldn't have to be done on every system python change. it can be done on every build automatically (so no human intervention is needed) or it can be done on every manual bump when the package maintainer has validated the new python version. Also, it can simply be left at /usr/bin/python3 specifying "don't care about which specific version it is". I think this is a fairly flexible approach that should cover most if not all usecases. Greetings, Dirk