Hello, On Saturday, May 27th, 2023 at 1:49 PM, Robert Webb via openSUSE Factory <factory@lists.opensuse.org> wrote:
On Sat, 27 May 2023 11:05:24 +0000, Wouter Onebekend via openSUSE Factory factory@lists.opensuse.org wrote:
Not flying that flag is neutral.
Demanding no flag is not neutral.
Flying it is an endorsement.
Flying it indicates acceptance. Acceptance of a group's right to exist and participate equally with everyone else.
Flying it indicates driving out everyone who does not endorse and enthusiastically embrace the group in question and salute its flag. While not explicitly stated in the code of conduct, that is the case law the board members on this thread are currently busily trying to establish - with an iron fist and threats of banning people no less. I find that quite revolting and not inclusive at all. Somebody on this thread quoted Martin Niemoeller. Nowadays the first group they are coming for are the old white men - filthy conservative hate mongers and colonial oppressors, the whole lot of them! As the purity spiral tightens they will eventually come for you. And by that time there will be nobody like me left to speak up on your behalf. Given some of the statements made on this thread, they are in fact already coming for you. Why do you now defend the people you said should be ashamed for their behavior? Regards, An Anonymous Techie