Hello Fritz Based on what I hear and the fact that you're already asking about zypper dup, these questions should wait until we're closer for at least Beta (late spring 2025). What we're discussing here is something in a preAlpha state, where we're in the early testing on any migration steps which are not fully written in the stone yet. If you want to quickly see how the distro and install experience looks then please check the Leap 16.0 review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6vmC-BpfLA or test it in a VM as suggested in the announcement. Thank you Lubos On Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 4:33 PM Fritz Hudnut <non.space.1@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the reply . . . replies inline:
On Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 1:05 AM Lubos Kocman <lubos.kocman@suse.com> wrote:
Hello Fritz
I recommend what's currently available plus Agama is the preferred way to get Leap 16. Live isos will come later.
I have not checked out Agama yet . . . so I don't know if that is something like #zypper in agama and that will add that to my Leap 15.6 and that will be a work in progress as Leap 16 is developed?? Or, that is a fresh install?
Regarding editing repos check what I came up with as a solution for Leap Micro migration. I'd like to advertise the same for Leap 15.6 -> Leap 16.0 migration. https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:System_upgrade_to_LeapMicro_6.0#2._Fetch_new_rep... new keys were already introduced to openSUSE as part of the openSUSE-build-key update, so that step shall not be necessary. Long story short I'd prefer if there would be no need to edit repos manually, which would allow us to keep upgrade instructions on one or two lines.
Similar question here, also haven't played with Micro . . . but the instructions you linked to are showing the repos set to Micro 6?? Or that would be edited to "Leap 16"??? It seems like the new Leap 16 in a sense is not exactly a step up from the bones of 15.6, but is a hybrid combo of Micro6 + Agama???
I did take a look at the "manual" repo data . . . which doesn't exactly look like what is seen in the YaSt GUI repo info . . . ??? Meaning that, what, there are just 4 or so repo lines for the new Leap iteration?? The thing I like about editing the existing repos is, it is very "clear" when I change "15.6" to "16" and then let zypper work its magic on them . . . . Seems like the sage advice is to not go that way, but seems like running the commands would switch the repos to Micro 6 as the first step?? And then go from there by spinning Agama into it??
I like to have a bit more clarity before I roll my dice . . . in my world it's all about "luck" . . . . : - )))
On Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 1:45 AM Fritz Hudnut <non.space.1@gmail.com> wrote:
I like Leap 15.6 . . . and I do like "developmental" distros . . . sometimes "pre-alpha" is almost like "beta" . . . but sometimes it is like "Sid" . . . which these days has become very stable, but was known for blowing up.
Usually I move up in iteration by editing the repos, changing the "15.6" to "16" . . . and then just go with the changes . . . sometimes that results in the system blowing up, like my Slow Roll install just imploded on itself leaving an empty partition of smoking data . . . . So, I have become a tad less enthusiastic in that my time is more critical than the system . . . but running "multiboot" generally gives me options . . . meaning that my Leap install is "experimental."
But, question, here you are recommending "virtual" install, and I think traditionally openSUSE doesn't offer "live" iso's?? Is that the case here as well, or there will be a live option to test out for compatibility with machine??
Best regards
Luboš Kocman openSUSE Leap Release Manager
-- Best regards Luboš Kocman openSUSE Leap Release Manager