On Thursday 2020-12-03 19:41, Marco Calistri wrote:
After recent zypper updates I noticed I can't display anymore attached GIF inside Facebook posts.
1) You're viewing not actual gifs, but video files You can check it by clicking right mouse button on one and there should be menu entries like "play", "pause" or "show controls".
I thank you for your reply, it could be useful for specific video issue, however in my case are the gif which not working anymore from inside FB app running under Firefox, but they are working ok from FB on Google Chrome.
An actual GIF (with all the bad picture quality): https://media.tenor.com/images/5c7712f7efa2c28f255c8ea581d1ff20/tenor.gif What giphy.com (also tenor) tries to sell as GIF but isn't: https://i.giphy.com/media/l3V0H7bYv5Ml5TOfu/200w.webp What facebook tries to sell as GIF but it's all just goddamn lies: (literally anything the put a "(GIF)" circle over is MP4, unless it's a file directly linked from giphy.com, in which case it's WEBP. Firefox Inspector (F12) to the rescue.)