On 5/31/22 20:01, Tomasz Hołubowicz wrote:
Dear Factory!
I would like to submit a small package which could be really handy in need for those that are used to readline bindings or Emacs. This package seems to be available on other linux distributions already so imagine my surprise, when I did not find it available in openSUSE repositories.
I have still a lot to learn when it comes to openSUSE packaging (this would be my first packaged and submitted project) and I would welcome any feedback or suggestions where I could improve.
I was just going to say that it's already packaged in the editors project and you can see it here https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/mg but then I realized it was you that has packaged it :-) Thanks! :-) FWIW, Debian seems to use this for their sources, https://github.com/hboetes/mg Yes, submitting this to Factory is not an issue. On first look, the package looks simple and clean. - Adam