Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on For more information on filing bugs please see Packages changed: libffi (3.4.3 -> 3.4.4) libp11 (0.4.11 -> 0.4.12) pcsc-towitoko (2.0.7 -> 2.0.8) shadow vim (9.0.0709 -> 9.0.0814) === Details === ==== libffi ==== Version update (3.4.3 -> 3.4.4) Subpackages: libffi8 libffi8-32bit - Update to libffi 3.4.4 * Important aarch64 fixes, including support for linux builds with Link Time Optimization (-flto). * Fix x86 stdcall stack alignment. * Fix x86 Windows msvc assembler compatibility. * Fix moxie and or1k small structure args. - drop riscv64-handle-big-structures.patch - reenable LTO ==== libp11 ==== Version update (0.4.11 -> 0.4.12) - Update to 0.4.12: * Fixed using an explicitly provided PIN regardless of the secure login flag (Alon Bar-Lev) * Fixed RSA_PKCS1_PADDING handling (MichaÅ Trojnara) * Fixed a crash on LLP64, including 64-bit Windows (MaÅgorzata Olszówka) * Fixed searching objects when both ID and label are specified (minfrin) * Fixed the OAEP "source" parameter (S-P Chan) * Fixed object searching by label (MichaÅ Trojnara) * Fixed thread safety in slot enumeration (MichaÅ Trojnara) * Fixed storing certificates on tokens (Mateusz Kwiatkowski) * Fixed several memory leaks (MichaÅ Trojnara, Jakub Jelen, Timo Teräs) * Fixed OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility (Jakub Jelen) * Fixed LibreSSL compatibility (orbea, patchMonkey156) * Major concurrency improvements and refactoring (Timo Teräs) * Added re-numeration of slots as an engine control command (Markus Koetter) * Added the PKCS11_update_slots() API function (Timo Teräs) * Added support for the SHA3 hash function (alegon01) * Added a self-test for engine RSA operations (Uri Blumenthal) ==== pcsc-towitoko ==== Version update (2.0.7 -> 2.0.8) Subpackages: libtowitoko2 - Update to 2.0.8 * Merged fixes to upstream software comming from debian package version 2.0.7-8.3. * Corrected timeout value in atr reading that was set too low for certain cards (and particularly for Spanish DNIe national identity card). * New downlad page: * Cleaned README file. * The tarball name is now 'v2.0.8.tar.gz' - Modified towitoko-destdir.patch - Removed towitoko-2.0.7-install.diff towitoko-2.0.7-implicit-decls.patch - Added towitoko-2.0.8-install.diff towitoko-2.0.8-implicit-decls.patch ==== shadow ==== Subpackages: libsubid4 login_defs - Add shadow-prefix-overflow.patch: Fix buffer overflow when calling useradd with --prefix See ==== vim ==== Version update (9.0.0709 -> 9.0.0814) Subpackages: gvim vim-data vim-data-common - Updated to version 9.0.0814, fixes the following problems * Kitty terminal is not recognized. * GUI mouse scrollwheel mappings don't work. * Error if :echowin is preceded by a command modifier * readblob() returns empty when trying to read too much * Test for job writing to buffer fails * sonnet filetype detection has a typo * With 'smoothscroll' typing "0" may not go to the first column * 'langmap' works differently when there are modifiers * Filetype autocmd may cause freed memory access * Crash when trying to divice the largest negative number by -1 * readblob() cannot read from character device. * The modifyOtherKeys flag is set when it should not. * In compiled function ->() on next line not recognized * Clang format configuration files are not recognized. * Order of assert function arguments is reverted. * readblob() always reads the whole file. * At the hit-Enter prompt the End and Home keys may not work. * Dummy buffer ends up in a window * User command does not get number from :tab modifier * Memory leak with empty shell command * ":!" doesn't do anything but does update the previous command. * OpenVPN files are not recognized. * 'scroll' value computed in unexpected location * The libvterm code is outdated. * Quickfix commands may keep memory allocated. * With a Visual block a put command column may go negative. * Indent and option tests fail. * Cannot use 'indentexpr' for Lisp indenting. * Display test for 'listchars' "precedes" fails * Line number not visisble with smoothscroll'', 'nu' and 'rnu' * No autocmd event for changing text in a terminal window * 'scrolloff' does not work well with 'smoothscroll'. * Crash when popup closed in callback * Alloc/free of buffer for each quickfix entry is inefficient * Wrong cursor position when using "gj" and "gk" in a long line. * In script in autoload dir exported variable is not found. - Updated to version 9.0.0743, fixes the following problems * Virtual text "after" not correct with 'nowrap'. * Quitting/unloading/hiding a terminal buffer does not always work properly. * SubStation Alpha files are not recognized. * Wrong column when calling setcursorcharpos() with zero lnum. * <amatch> of MenuPopup event is expanded like a file name. * With 'nowrap' two virtual text below not displayed correctly. * Wrong argument for append() gives two error messages. * With 'nowrap' virtual text "after" does not scroll left. * Compiler warning for unused variable in tiny build. * Extra empty line between two virtual text "below" when 'wrap' and 'number' are set. * Too many delete() calls in tests. * Virtual text "above" with padding not displayed correctly. * Virtual text "after" does not show with 'list' set. * Extra empty line below virtual text when 'list' is set. * Closure in compiled function gets same variable in block. * Virtual text "after" wraps to next line even when 'wrap' is off and 'list' is set. * Looping over list of lists and changing the list contents works in Vim9 script, not in a compiled function. * Help in the repository differs from patched version too much. * extend() test fails. * The rightleft and arabic features are disabled. * Startup test fails with right-left feature. * clang-tidy configuration files are not recognized. * No check for white space before and after "=<<". (Doug Kearns) * Use of strftime() is not safe. * Cursor position invalid when scrolling with 'smoothscroll' set. (Ernie Rael) * Breakindent and scrolloff tests fail. * Quickfix listing does not handle very long messages. * Lisp word only recognized when a space follows. * Cannot suppress completion "scanning" messages. * Mouse column not correctly used for popup_setpos. * prop_add_list() gives multiple errors for invalid argument. * Cannot specify an ID for each item with prop_add_list(). (Sergey Vlasov) * Starting cscope on Unix does not quote the arguments correctly. (Gary Johnson)