Hi, I have a question about how to modify the entries in the GNOME menu. While playing with beta8, I noticed my firefox seemed a bit slow to start up. From the release notes, it looks like there's possibly a pango issue, and I wanted to change the entry in my menus to start firefox with the environment variable set. When I tried to edit my GNOME menu, I found that the only modification I could make was whether an icon showed in the menu or not. Even as root. Is this how it is intended, or is this a bug? I'm primarily a KDE user and not as familiar with Gnome, so this is likely a lack of knowledge on my part. How do I edit or add an item in the Gnome menus? Thanks, Chad Groneman PS - This is not intended to start a KDE vs GNOME discussion. Please don't reply to this if that's your intention.