Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 69 packages: * artikulate * breeze6 * breeze6-gtk * cantor * cervisia * kamoso * kdeclarative * ki18n * kiconthemes * kig * kirigami2 * kmix * kqtquickcharts * kross-interpreters * ktouch * kwallet * kwave * kwayland * kwayland-integration6 * kwin6 * kxmlgui * libqt5-qt3d * libqt5-qtcharts * libqt5-qtconnectivity * libqt5-qtdatavis3d * libqt5-qtdoc * libqt5-qtgamepad * libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects * libqt5-qtlocation * libqt5-qtlottie * libqt5-qtmultimedia * libqt5-qtquick3d * libqt5-qtquickcontrols * libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 * libqt5-qtquicktimeline * libqt5-qtscript * libqt5-qtscxml * libqt5-qtsensors * libqt5-qttools * libqt5-qttranslations * libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard * libqt5-qtwayland * libqt5-qtwebchannel * libqt5-qtwebengine * libqt5-qtwebsockets * libqt5-qtwebview * libqt5-qtxmlpatterns * libreoffice * nextcloud-desktop * okteta * oxygen6 * picard * plasma6-browser-integration * plasma6-desktop * plasma6-integration * plasma6-mobile * plasma6-openSUSE * plasma6-workspace * powerdevil6 * python-python-lsp-server * python-qt5 * python-qtwebengine-qt5 * qmlpluginexports * qt5platform-plugins * qtdeclarative-imports-provides * rocs * texstudio * umbrello * wireshark