just to make sure, please do add all the eventually upcoming new pgp gpg keys and buildkeys and hashcodes and update stacks and whatnot early and regularly to 15.5 and 15.4 even or whatever and maybe someone? can come up with an official oneliner or actually a tiny smallish but official piece of software how to move a once released leap to its successor at their lifetime ending? i know about zypper dup and all, but i always wondered? ever since we have gotton zypper onlineupdates lively being inside the system, why there never was an official little tool or set of scripts that eventually rewrite the old repo files or update em to releasever environment variable etc you get the idea. i guess its time after like decades? of opensuse, to really care for its end users and not leave them alone in the dark needing to real wiki pages, etc and never being able to decide about newly introduced pgp keys and so forth. TIA