All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ReleaseEngineering-meeting Meeting is hosted here https://meet.opensuse.org/ReleaseEngineeringMeeting ## Attendees ddemaio, bittin, guillaumeg, rbrown, DimStar, DocB, Marcus,Jamie, maxlin, Lubos, mpiala, Dirk ## Internal SUSE IT Supported distribution mpiala offline update: IT is currently analyzing, which tool will be the best for management of the OS (SUMA / Ansible / Salt / AutoYast / WorkplaceOne). Also defining the list of apps for MVP (Slack, Teams, Evolution / Thunderbird, web browser). What are the current ways to deliver image to laptop. Laptops are currently provisioned in the office by Service Desk. lkocman: please check SUMA for host management. If we have missing requirements SUMA team would love to hear back from you. (History is in previous etherpad) ## Leap Planning for Leap Micro GM, last two blockers seem to be adressesd (iscsi-init fail on boot, self-install stuck after image verification). Release notes failing to build for Leap 15.4 https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1199388 most likely because of either daps udpate or python changes Waiting for RC build of Leap 15.4 Leap Desktop/Workstation workshop is next week! 50+ people have signed up for workshop https://www.reddit.com/r/openSUSE/comments/udr5ly/desktop_workshop_for_next_... - syncup with Scott and Yi Fan prior the acutal workshop Looking for drivers who could help us "kickstart the initial workshop". Long story We need some people who already know what to do (how lucid works, create some initial topics) to inspire others. ## openSUSE Tumbleweed openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 525 failed, 25 (build in progress, number incomplete) unresolvable (last week: 108/10) https://tinyurl.com/ysy4nnnz * Mozilla Firefox 100 in snapshot 0506 * KDE Plasma 5.24.5 also in 0506 * Linux kernel 5.17.5 in snapshot 0509 * Factory has switched to using GCC12 as the default compiler on May 10th. A full rebuild of the distro has been triggered. Snapshot 0510 will be large(r) in size due to this; build and QA might be delayed a bit (limited build power) GPG Key to sign packages/repos is planned to be updated to be a 4096/RSA key (implementation schedule pending) Tracker bug : https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1199184 OBS seems to have some hard time finding workers for ceph and kernel builds: very frequently, staging projects are blocked by waiting for the 4 same packages still being scheduled (ceph, kernel-default, kernel-vanilla, kernel-debug) (constraints limit to 18 (ceph) resp 24 (kernels) workers) ## Richard (Kubic/MicroOS) Winding down the Kubic project. github.com/kubic-project is now mostly archived devel:kubic is likely to hang around being a home for some kubernetes client tooling which will still be available in Tumbleweed, but no longer distributed as part of seperate media. Some private discusions with possible maintainers of kubernetes packages, but no commitments yet devel:microos created and going to be populated this week Some devel:kubic:containers containers are going to move, but whether that is to devel:bci or something like devel:microos:containers is still an open question Plan for https://kubic.opensuse.org to be wound down and https://microos.opensuse.org to be made a seperate blog (right now they share blog content) People who want kubernetes on MicroOS are recommended to use regular MicroOS with k3s using the regular Rancher upstream instructions: https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/install-options/ Leap Micro get.opensuse.org page overstating it's case at the expense of other openSUSE Projects not yet addressed - https://github.com/openSUSE/get-o-o/issues/88 (ack the last meeting was consumed with workshop, we'll get to it Richard. sorry) MicroOS (GNOME) Desktop has a fresh community effort to get out of beta, possibly by writing a fresh notification tool for transactional- updates instead of relying on PackageKit. Join the Telegram/Matrix MicroOS Desktop channel to join the effort. ## Max Leap Micro * Fixed workaround for open-iscsi service fails to start in the pre- configurated image, after all green on openQA, https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=leap-micro&version=5.2&bui... and https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?version=5.2&build=21.1&groupid=94... Leap 15.4 * We've temporarily disabled standard repo to land the RC build. The expected build that should have landed during the weekend didn't happen because of some missing SLES binaries from IBS->OBS sync. This appeared to be fixed on Monday. Max re-enabled standard repo. We took changes from SLES mass rebuild and we're still rebuilding. * The remaining build fails: minikube(will be deleted soon) and python- certbot Please note that some additional package version bumps are required to upgrade py-crypto! Currently blocked on PM. Stefan W. wants to have this as ECO update. Axel: I think you'll have to update 4-5 packages. Dirk: I'm not aware of any additional packages needed to update cryptography. python-packaging python-setuptools python-setuptools_scm python-setuptools-rust python-pyOpenSSL python-cryptography Marcus does not recommend forking package in Leap as there are other SLE python modules that will depend on it. * Removed snapshot repo * Preparing 15.4 RC build Lubos will send an annoucement that RC will be delayed because of incoming changes from SLE 15 SP4. * Build fail stats in Leap 15.4: 2 build fails, 0 unresolvables lkocman: I'll open individual bugs for remaining build failures. Santiago mentioned that he'll have more free cycles for Leap/openQA this week. I'll reach out to him regarding focus on the migration scenarios. ## Guillaume - Arm Tumbleweed: * Rebuild due to gcc12 will take some time to settle down. Leap 15.4: * aarch64: * No blocker * armv7: * Enlightenment package still fails in rpmlint check (missing whitelist?): https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1194047 lkocman: will reach out to simotek and Wolfgang Leap Micro 5.2: * Default-SelfInstall image is now available for aarch64. But there are till some issues in openQA: https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/110845 (works locally) lkocman to check if we could remove the firefox tests from the 42.X/15.0 upgrade test suite. It doesn't seem to happen outside of that (same for TW). lkocman will try to look into this Lubos: Action item from workshop: images for inidvidual devices are bit difficult to find. Compared to raspbian etc. Could we have them available on the single download-page on get-o-o (similar to micro perhaps?) I understand it much more files. Guillaume: I will check what could be done, but we have lots of images. ## Sarah - s390x Not available SUSE has shutdown 3 LPARs because of performance issues Issue has been also reported to the CTO for ZSystems of IBM Tumbleweed: * Is rolling openSUSE Leap Beta: * no issues at the moment * maven issues are existing -> discussions about upgrading the Java version or how to fix it lkocman: slightly related topic, should we perhaps re-consider recommended memory amount in Release Notes? I think we still recommend something like 2G minimal / 4G or 8G optimal. * KDE for s390x adopted ## Doug * TSP * Solution set to be evaluated next week * No certainty on when it can be implemented * Community Workshop * May 10 * https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20220510 * May 12 at 18:00 UTC * oSC22 * Talks Scheduled * Badges and signage arriving this week * Making schedule in venueless platform * Taking care of some action items from meeting * Board meeting location and travel progressing * Need workshop speakers to interact/include with virtual audience in https://opensuse.venueless.events * Tokens for access will be sent out to those who register for the conference on events.opensuse.org * OSCAL oSC22 * Schedule almost complete. (May 20) * Location should be announced soon * GSoC * 5 proposals ranked * deadline is tomorrow ## Dirk * switched obs-arm-11 worker to aio=io_uring away from aio=threads which appears to reduce I/O cost (bsc#1197746), which caused issues on x86_64. still chasing that down. * Bisected down to root cause of aio=io_uring hang, working with kernel team to get it addressed lkocman: Thanks for the framework laptop setup We're not currently listed as framework laptop compatible distro https://gist.github.com/cornfeedhobo/8f32430dc6c52b9a4776df91701b1d96 In backlog: https://code.opensuse.org/leap/features/issue/17 ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling Looking into a issue where mirror admins reported growing size of Leap / Backports. Adrian and Wolfgang are looking into that. Marcus: Did we do version updates for 15.4 from Factory. We did that in around Alpha phase. Marcus: some of the SP3:Updates were not picked up by Package HUB - SP4. Dirk: I also noticed some overriden versions from SP3. Lubos will check with Wolfgang on this one. Marcus did not see the usual review requests. ## Maintenance team (Marina or Marcus, Maurizio (m4u)) - Marcus: 15.4 is set up channel wise, updates will go in testing occasionaly, if you need more ping me, no openqa setup yet lkocman: could you please help me with cleanup of maintenance tasks in https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/opensuse-leap-15-4/issues/gantt lkocman: will contact Jan Stehlik. Santi (PO for the topic) mentioned he'll work on it. lkocman: messaged Jan Jan confirmed with me that they're on it. lkocman: (still pending) will open a release notes entry for a change Security Advisory identification TODO Marcus: could you give me example of old and new values? - Marina and Maurizio: SLE-PackageHub overlaps (https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/issues/71) work in progress following the initial list of overlapping packages (https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/106610#note-3). More incidents are under QA. Work is going on and under control (and tracked internally as jsc#MSC-303). Already released: (AH PERFECT!) SUSE:Maintenance:22929:265929 (babl libbabl-0_1-0 typelib-1_0-Babl-0_1) SUSE:Maintenance:23000:266006 (MozillaThunderbird enigmail) SUSE:Maintenance:23009:266004 (freerdp freerdp-devel freerdp-proxy libfreerdp2 libgsm) -> libgsm1 was missing in PH making freerdp not installable SUSE:Maintenance:22928:266007 (argyllcms csync libcsync0 libcsync- plugin-sftp libcsync-plugin-smb) SUSE:Maintenance:23015:267052 (gfbgraph-devel libgfbgraph-0_2-0 typelib-1_0-GFBGraph-0_2 librest gcr) -> librest, gcr and libgoa are needed too for making gfbgraph installable SUSE:Maintenance:23334:268316 (gutenprint gutenprint-devel) SUSE:Maintenance:23486:268867 (hp-drive-guard, upower) --> needs libupower-glib3 SUSE:Maintenance:23487:268897 (liba52-0 liba52-devel) SUSE:Maintenance:23506:268899 (libdvdread4 libdvdread-devel) Lubos will ping m4u about updating the list Meet product security at the openSUSE Conference. There are about 3 talks on the maintenance and security topics. Come and say Hello! DimStar: there is currently a pending crypto / gnutls related submission. ## Adrian - OBS Not Available feedback loop on mirrored submissions doesn't workstation. Lubos wills end an email with an example to Marco and Adrian. (Sent last week) Marco has reached out to me regarding the mirroring. He has example(s) from SUSE:SLE-15:SP4:GA