On 2020/11/08 16:59, Simon Lees wrote:
On 11/8/20 7:50 PM, L A Walsh wrote:
On 2020/11/07 02:51, Simon Lees wrote:
In a supported up to date system we provide all the tools required to view and install source rpm's,
--- But not build?
Not without additional effort, there are a number of macro's and definitions here ( https://build.opensuse.org/projects/openSUSE:Factory/prjconf ) for example that you would need to teach rpm about if you were going to do a build outside open build service.
---- Where do I install these macros+definitions. While I have built _an_ rpm-4.15.1, it required quite a few changes in the spec file since the paths in the specs don't work when building from source. Most of them were related to where rpm built from (build/rpm-4.15.1), and where it was installed to (buildroot/rpm-4.15.1-7.2.x86_64) for generating and installable image. The macros, as they were were more than a little bit confused, as they failed in finding the rpm-build sources (based mostly in /lib, not /usr/lib) - and where to store them (mostly under /usr/lib, except for /lib/rpm which is moved to /usr/share/something(rpm?). At the very least, there should be an installable package to provide the macros needed to build the sources locally. It doesn't help, nor do I believe it satisfies the GPL to require a online, vendor-specific build service to make use of the provided sources. At the very least, the sources need to be usable to rebuild the product, "*offline*". That SUSE provides the OBS, is _great_, but it doesn't replace the ability to build the binaries from sources on a local machine.
Unfortunetly if you don't have a standard setup there might not be so much we can do to help.
Much of my problems stem from my having had a standard setup with SUSE continuing to move away from such standards... :-(