25 Nov
25 Nov
On 11/25/20 2:15 PM, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
Well, if resolving means restarting the display manager then yes. But I don't want to restart my display manager every few minutes.
I am just trying to establish how hard the "lockup" is on your side.
It happens every few minutes. For example, I'm typing this email and all of a sudden, the whole desktop locks up and I won't be able to type or move the mouse. Shortly after, it will just continue as if nothing happened. Sometimes the lock ups can be much longer and the desktop freezes for half a minute or so. Rebooting into a 5.8.x kernel made the issue go away, but zypper has purged the last 5.8.x off my disk now :-(. I will check whether OBS has any 5.10 RC kernel I can test. Adrian