Hi, what exactly are you talking about? fpc 3.2.0 is in the updates repo, lazarus 2.0.12 is not. Whic repos are you using? Cheers MH Am 04.03.2021 um 00:41 schrieb Winfried Bartnick:
Whoever is responsible for the combination fpc/Lazarus :
Nice to see the new Lazarus version 2,0.12
But is was everywhere written that this version needs fpc 3.2
The repo does not offer that and so we got a crash combination.
Starting the new Lazarus 2.0.12 it complains at once:
"Warning: wrong version in ide/version.inc: 2.0.12"
I hope that very, very soon the fpc 3.2 is in the repo
-- Mathias Homann Mathias.Homann@openSUSE.org Jabber (XMPP): lemmy@tuxonline.tech IRC: [Lemmy] on freenode and ircnet (bouncer active) telegram: https://telegram.me/lemmy98 keybase: https://keybase.io/lemmy gpg key fingerprint: 8029 2240 F4DD 7776 E7D2 C042 6B8E 029E 13F2 C102