TL;DR: ansible > 2.9 needs testing, as does ansible-lint 6.x (Please reply to the factory list)
Hi all, in the last couple of weeks I spent some time on getting ansible > 2.9 packaged and running on openSUSE. As you may or may not be aware, 2.9 is EOL since ansible-core 2.13 got released. What, what? ansible-what? WTF? Basically the ansible package you will install is a package only containing community maintained collections, that were removed from what you know as ansible 2.9. The remaining parts are what is now called ansible-core. This means that collections can be maintained separately, and you do not need to wait for a release of ansible to get a fix in your collection. Having a recent ansible/ansible-core package allows the use of ansible-lint 6.x, which requires ansible-core > 2.12. The version numbers are very ...ahem... funny, so don't get confused. ansible-core keeps the 2.x versioning for now, but the ansible package (think of it as ansible-community) is currently at 6.1.x, Details can be found here:
The packages seem to be working for me, so I put them into systemsmanagement:ansible and would be glad for feedback.
Something like that should do the trick: sudo zypper ar -p 80 -f -r \ https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/ansible/openSU... sudo zypper ref sudo zypper dup --from systemsmanagement_ansible or sudo zypper in ansible ansible-lint Unless there are flaws, I would submit them to Factory in a couple of weeks, ask for a change of the devel project and move all other ansible-related things into this subproject. Having more maintainers would of course be very nice, so please don't be shy. python-jsonschema and python-hatch_vcs are already in dlp and on their way to Factory, so those will be dropped from the project once they are no longer needed. Unfortunately backporting this to Leap 15 / SLES15 is not (easily) possible, as it needs a rather new python to get this to build and work properly... :-( Any hints, comments, tipps, tricks or feedback are highly welcome. Kind Regards, Johannes -- Johannes Kastl Linux Consultant & Trainer Tel.: +49 (0) 151 2372 5802 Mail: kastl@b1-systems.de B1 Systems GmbH Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg http://www.b1-systems.de GF: Ralph Dehner Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537