Starnge IP problem
I set up a Linux machine last Feb as a webserver, the idea being to use it this year as a teaching aid or a means to publish pupils work. It worked fine within and without our network. I could access it from home. We had then an ISDN line and a simple router. I switched the machine off until last week. Now I can see the machine within the network, but not from without. From this linux machine I can ping anywhere within our network, including the router, but no further into the outside world. The only change is that we have installed a new leased line and new router. Would the problem possibly be with this or I have I inadvertantly made some change which is causing this problem? Any ideas? Chris Chris Davies Head of IT Epsom College College Road Epsom Surrey KT17 4JQ tel.: 01372 821178 fax.: 01372 821005
Two possibilities The router port connected to the ISDN line has or should have taken the IP address which was your external address. The problem comes now if you have only a single external address or a block of addresses. If you have a single address you are a bit stuck because for internal use you are left with only the public IP address ranges whose packets will not be forwarded to the internet. If a block, you can subnet this range and provide an address for your server within one of the subnet ranges, also you need to use the appropriate subnet mask. or Routing is not set up correctly on the router. Regards Bill ----- Original Message ----- From: Chris Davies <> To: <> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 10:09 AM Subject: [suse-linux-uk-schools] Starnge IP problem
I set up a Linux machine last Feb as a webserver, the idea being to use it this year as a teaching aid or a means to publish pupils work. It worked fine within and without our network. I could access it from home. We had then an ISDN line and a simple router.
I switched the machine off until last week. Now I can see the machine within the network, but not from without. From this linux machine I can ping anywhere within our network, including the router, but no further into the outside world.
The only change is that we have installed a new leased line and new router. Would the problem possibly be with this or I have I inadvertantly made some change which is causing this problem?
Any ideas?
Chris Chris Davies Head of IT Epsom College College Road Epsom Surrey KT17 4JQ tel.: 01372 821178 fax.: 01372 821005
participants (2)
Bill Antonia
Chris Davies