E-learning strategy consultation document

The closing date for the government's e-learning strategy consultation document is the end of January. It is likely to be influential in future education software policy and hardly mentions FLOSS. I have heard that the number of responses made to the document is low so there is an opportunity to redress the balance if people who understand the issues take the time to fill out a response. The document itself is at http://www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations2/16/ I have sent a response on behalf of the Association for Free Software and my own company. If anyone wants this as a basis to save them time I can send it, but best not copy it word for word. Mainly its to get certain idea about open standards, strategy and inclusion policy across. -- ian <ian.lynch2@ntlworld.com>

ian wrote:
The closing date for the government's e-learning strategy consultation document is the end of January. It is likely to be influential in future education software policy and hardly mentions FLOSS. I have heard that the number of responses made to the document is low so there is an
Hardly suprising that the policy document is a 60 odd page document. Containingi jargon which might well be unfamiliar to many people.
opportunity to redress the balance if people who understand the issues take the time to fill out a response.
What is the chance that they will recognise using a word document to obtain responses is one of the issues :)
participants (2)
Mark Evans