Hi Malcolm: We have recently purchased some licenses for Win machines and paid £35 for Win 9X, NT and 2000 per machine which I believe is the educational price? Paul

We have recently purchased some licenses for Win machines and paid £35 for Win 9X, NT and 2000 per machine which I believe is the educational price?
We have just paid 33 pounds per machine for a licence to upgrade to w2k five machines already equipped with w98. What Malcolm will find is that Microsoft licensing prices and conditions depend on (a) who you are (b) where you are (c) the time of day (d) the price of coffee and (e) the number of ants in the trees nearby. Last month I posted this comment to another mailing list: I first hit this three years ago when I wanted to buy half a dozen NT4 OEM licences, and had quotes varying from 72 to 350. Eventually I rang back the company that had quoted 72, and the conversation went roughly along the lines "I'd like to buy six licences as discussed yesterday" "Good, fine, that'll be six times 180 ... 1080 OK?" "Hey - yesterday you said 72 each" "Fine, that'll be six times 72 .. 432 OK?" "Good, I'm writing the order now" I am now having the same problem trying to find out what we would pay for RDP licences to access a WTS server over RDP from non-Windows clients. Figures vary from 2 to 80 per client. -- Christopher Dawkins, Felsted School, Dunmow, Essex CM6 3JG 01371-820527 or 07798 636725 cchd@felsted.essex.sch.uk
participants (2)
Christopher Dawkins