Hi, More from "Public Sector Computing". Maybe the School Admin Software Team would like to reply to this. I've mailed Leo to tell him that I've forwarded his request to this list. Later Adrian ----- Original Message ----- From: Leo Waldock <leo@leowaldock.com> To: <adrian.wells@sidcot.org.uk> Cc: <Joanne.Sawyer@trinitypub.co.uk> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 4:57 PM Subject: Linux systems for managementin Education
I'm writing a feature for Jo Sawyer at Public Sector Computing about the alternatives for management software in the education sector. I understand you have some involvement in this field and would appreciate your comments, particularly relating to products that are available now, and that have been tried and tested in the field.
I'll be on holiday from Sunday 10th August until 20th August, so if this is a work email address that you won't access until Monday, please don't think I am ignoring any reply that you send me.
Leo Waldock
participants (1)