MP E-mails for lobbying
Came across a full list of E-mail addresses for Members of Parliament at (Its designed to spam MPs about the Iraq War, but it could be worth selective mailings to your own MP about, for example, 1. Schools having to pay MS for machines not running their software if they enter MS Schools agreement. Currently being investigated by the office of fair trading contact Not much chance of getting Suse into schools if for every SuSe machine they have to pay MS license fees. 2. Lack of a strategy in the public sector to obtain best value by promoting competition in the desktop software market. 3. Infringement of privacy due to intrusive nature of MS applications on personal computers. Evidence at 4. Any other issue you feel is appropriate in promoting an environment where Suse and other Linux distros can thrive. Best to be not too technical, or too emotional. Short and to the point and make it relevant to local issues eg schools and hospitals having funds diverted out of learning and health care etc. Get other constituency members to periodically E-mail on the same issues. Advertising works by regular inserts over a period so keep sending the E-mails every few weeks and try and get a variety of sources - more votes potentially lost! -- ian <>
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