Re: [suse-linux-uk-schools] New Clothes
--- "adrian.wells" <> wrote:
Hi to all of those running RM out there, can I pick your brains please?
Hi Aidrian,
Have a look at:
Anyone who has not already looked at these would do well to invest a few minutes - very interesting, thanks. I'm not convinced that thin client is the way I want to go, and still
convinced that most of it's supposed virtues are revenant today. I know that the article says that it's a personal view, but some of the arguments were pretty thin (sorry no pun intended!). Maybe I should read it again.
I've not been to schoolforge for a long time and I have to say, playing devils advocate, the left hand column could have so many more entries and the right hand column could hardly be more sparse, even with the wine entries! Although the software listed is very strong, it's hardly an advert for shedding windows! :-(
It would seem that big, generic apps are not the problem as most 'business' type software tends to have a gnu/linux equivilent. The big problem are these ex teachers sitting in the middle of dartmoor, knocking out pc versions of their BBC micro software for Sup Ed and the like. I'm sure that these will not be given up easily by the departments that know and love them! I would also imagine that they would be unlikly to give up the income and move to open source nor invest the time to become multi platform.
We use a mix of Thin clients and PCs. With the right setup this balance has provided us with a very efficient system, BUT we use Citrix over Unix and Linux (and for music and video over XP) to deliver a Windoze desktop which is nicely locked down and which our non-techie staff can relate to. Keeps training down as well. We also have OOo in use as well and we give it to students to use at home. We are otherwise looking for web based software either online or on CD / DVD to avoid the excessive over-protection applied to some stuff of limited value. We have some excellent online text books in use and we have developed our Intranet to fill the gaps. Setting up templates with Dreamweaver and then providing Contribute to departments has provided a big surge in interest and skill. Open source is mostly under the skin otherwise but keeps costs down. All the best. George Harris -- If this e-mail contains anything that the recipient takes exception to, please contact: The Headteacher, Maidenhill School GL10 2HA UK (+44) (0) 1453 822469
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