FLOSSE Posse weblog features Open Source in Education
Hiya, We have just opened a new group weblog called FLOSSE Posse (Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Education Posse). The reason for our existence is to start a conversation in the blogosphere about Open Source and Open Content in Education. Current members of the blog are certain members of a finnish association called VOPE (Free and Open Source in Education Association). We accept guest bloggers as well. We will begin with very interesting content related to the future of Open Source in education. We have done several digital audio interviews all around the globe of people who work in the field of education and Open Source. The interviews are analyzed and reported on our website. We aim to bring together different ideas of the future of Open Source from people who work on various fields. In the upcoming weeks we are reporting our findings related to the Comenius 2.1 Contact Seminar held in Europe, which features an Open Source in Education related workshop where the previously mentioned interviews will be analyzed further. Some of the interviews we have done include Stephen Downes (downes.ca), Alan Levine (cogdogblog), Knut Yrvin (skolelinux.no), George Siemens (elearnspace), Teemu Leinonen (fle3) and Antti Kauppi (University of Helsinki). These will be posted shortly. Please visit: http://flosse.dicole.org Best regards, Teemu Arina, CTO Ionstream Oy / Dicole Komeetankuja 4 A 02210 Espoo FINLAND Tel: +358-(0)50 - 555 7636 skype: infe00 Corporate website: http://www.dicole.com Personal weblog: http://infedelic.blogspot.com "Discover, collaborate, learn."
participants (1)
Teemu Arina