Picked this off another list. Never heard of this project, so if others are interested (tho' y'all probably know all about it!). Now ... if suse has open sourced its distie (www.opensuse.com or www.opensuse.org, don' remember which) ... if you take my drift. One could do a cut down version to fit onto a CD but utilising the cuddly interface and yast of suse ... until the open source yast is transferred to debian... ______________ Hi all Has anyone taken a look at Skubuntu? http://www.skubuntu.org.za Basically it is being developed for the the Tuxlab (Linux labs in schools) project. The reason being that the K12-LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) which is used in the labs is built around Fedora Core and this changes rather too rapidly for schools. I think this is a clear example of the trend in OSS to act like a serious player in the software market. E.g. being adequately resourced to support active development and offer a stable and mature product with a reasonable release time table. Of course it still maintains its flexibility by allowing you the option of downloading the latest bleeding edge builds and using / adapting it to your needs. Basically it means more choice for the end user as they can go with either a more leisurely release schedule or the rapid OSS style release cycle. Choice is good thing. Obviously Linux in schools is great. <g>