21 Mar
21 Mar
Hi, I tried an external US robotics Sportster 56K V90 on serial port 1 - No problems - Dialed and connected first go. Of the internal modems... The ISA modems (PC56PVP) were found on the list at http://www.grapevine.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html and it tells me that these are win modems. I was unable to find the PCI Modem (PCI56PVP) on the list, although other parts of the document implied that PCI modems will not work. Both of these modem types use the PCtel Chip set. The documentation goes on to bolster my belief that external modems are the best bet. I have told Netscape that I am using a modem, but it is unable to see the net, do I need to set up a proxy server?