Hi All, I have just (only 6 weeks after sending my e-mail) received a snail mail response from Becta about the Laptop for Teachers specification (http://lft.ngfl.gov.uk/index.php?i=307). The letter, from Dr Stephen Lacey (Executive Director, Educational Technology) states that the 'or equivalent' in the OS section is 'specifically to cater of alternative/open source products' and that similar intentionis in the 'freeware' applications. It also states the 'there is no intention to discriminate against this [open source] type of alternative option'. I have replied asked if the specification can be made clearer on both of these fronts. ===== rgds, Richard Rothwell -------------------------------------------------------------------- rind (n) acronym for 'rind is not defined' ___________________________________________________________ BT Yahoo! Broadband - Free modem offer, sign up online today and save £80 http://btyahoo.yahoo.co.uk