Special thanks to IanL, Mark Evans,Dan Kolb Paul & Ian took me half hour to load Redhat onto new unformatted hard drive in a rush as usual - great thanks also still checking Linux ed progs slowly I need to try out Linux at home on slower access cos its 8:00 Friday nite and i wunts 2 go home So many people do not believe that Linux can be any good if its free or that Star or Open Office etc can be any good - perhaps we should organise a day where we charge loads for the OS and software - advertise that its more reliable etc than MS LTSP is still going strong One of my Year 6s put our school logo (windows) wallpaper on the Linux only LTSP main client as wallpaper un beknowns to myself - I came across him working on the machine - I flipped a lid and nearly swore ...as I saw a child had windoze on a Linux only machine - (really alien network possibilities running through my head) - he watched me try and figure out how windoze was on the machine - he then said, "Its okay sir its not really windows I just copied it." - with a big grin on his face! (In less than a month with very little help my Year 6 are now more computer literate than other schools in area - just cos they can operate two OS and adjust one of them - (guess which one) with no damage) Am I silly or what - cant we decide on a distro - and go for it for schools - anybody tried blue yet? friend tried Redmond last nite kept crashing epsecially on Browse function anybody else had that trouble - or perhaps its the machine - got it off Linuxformat mag. Great emails thanks - like all this arguing bout A levels etc - I taught (gave them the books & mags) Year 6s to write BBC basic back in old days approx 10/12 years ago - they wrote games etc on beebs an electrons 50% of curriculum time - obviously wrong ho ho Yours Ronald __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com