Hi got it running now thanks, Just got to gte the modem working now ;-( Gary
From: "Richard Naylor" <ranaylor@ntlworld.com> Reply-To: "Richard Naylor" <ranaylor@ntlworld.com> To: "Nick Drage" <nick-drage@gmx.ch> CC: <suse-linux-uk-schools@suse.com> Subject: Re: [suse-linux-uk-schools] Squid2 Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 18:41:20 +0100
you might want to check that squid is running (ps aux|grep squid). if not, do some debugging. first stop squid /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -k shutdown. then give it a few seconds and do /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -N. if nothing is printed on screen then squid should be running ok. if you want to debug, then while squid is running type /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -d 3 or whatever debugging leverl you want. errors may be found in /usr/local/squid/logs/*.log or just cache.log.
On Tue, 30 May 2000, Gary Parr wrote:
installed Squid 2, but having no luck.
The config says the port is 3128, so if i set netscape etc to
Proxy http 1921.168.1.1 port 3128
i expect to be going via the proxy, and get squids error pages... but trying to access a site outside the network (connection not setup yet), I get the normal "Netscape windows error - server down"
What am i doing wrong.
While the error is, er, developing, can you do a netstat -an on both the relevant boxes to show what is actually happening, that might help.....
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