On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 11:53 +0100, Darren Jones wrote:
Who really cares about KS3 levels anyway? (ok, apart from for school stats, VA tables and all that silly gubbins...)
Government do.
Yes, OFSTED and those that decide whether your specialist school grants get renewed for a start. KS3 tests are for controlling teachers not kids.
This is to be mandatory in schools by 2008. It effectively mean that *all* schools must be running windows by this date.
Not necessarily, my last meeting with BECTA indicated that current situation was temporary for the pilots and that RM and QCA would have to get their cross-platform act together before it went compulsory. Its up to those that care to make sure the pressure is maintained. -- Ian Lynch www.theINGOTs.org www.opendocumentfellowship.org www.schoolforge.org.uk