Were you out of disk space? Otherwise this sounds odd... More details?...
Disk space was not a problem. I chose the minimum installation from the Yast. Since it takes a long time for the first CD to finish, I went away for some tea. When I came back there was an error message. I am sorry I did not note what it was. In any case I will be doing a fresh installation again. If it happens again, I will note the error... I was not too worried since if the installation failed I was going to re-do it anyways....which I will do now..... the screen could be a VGA......sigh!
To update the locate database, type updatedb
I will try that.. I hope that is what it is. Will let you know tomorrow. BTW, can't you tweak the mailer so that the return address is always the suse-linux-uk-schools@suse.com? I almost sent the reply to your personal address. Raju