On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Derek Harding wrote:
Here, here about school/educational software on opensource. I've just been told that my proposed terminal server setup won't get the go ahead unless I can prove the educational, not financial, viability!
As an aside, you might ask them to *prove* the educational viability of the alternative. Just because everyone else is doing it only shows there's been a marketing success. For *educational* purposes you should introduce them to systems they are *not* familiar with from home use. In RE we teach them other religions, against which they can measure their own. In Geography we teach them about other countries. In all subjects, we introduce them to new ideas, alternative ways of doing things, make them *think*. Just giving them more of the same is *not* education, it's training. If the educationally valuable things also save a lot of money, that's a bonus that can be redistributed as other educationally valuable things, such as more equipment of other sorts - or more teachers. -- Christopher Dawkins, Felsted School, Dunmow, Essex CM6 3JG 01371-820527 or 07798 636725 cchd@felsted.essex.sch.uk