Sorry Robert - I still can't agree with you on the client front.
The fact is that everything can be done in plain old html - and *ALL* functionality should be available to an agreed baseline browser (something pretty feeble). Many things can be done more 'slickly' with drag and drop,
e.g. lynx...
but surely this should be an enhancement in the browser based on JavaScript long before we need to start implementing clients on all and sundry platforms. I would personally then go to Java before leaving the browser domain, although I can't envisage anything in this project that would require going so far.
Once you get into Java or JavaScript you start excluding quite a few platforms. Assuming you actually need it in the first place. One point is also to make forms *simple* to use. -- Mark Evans St. Peter's CofE High School Phone: +44 1392 204764 X109 Fax: +44 1392 204763