On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 11:28, Alan Harris wrote:
Take a look at this site reference
Is Becta trying to put these guys out of business then ?
Actually the Welsh angle is a good one. There was some discussion about localising OO.o in Gaelic and Welsh as well as Klingon! I also believe that the complaints don't have to come from teachers. Complaints about fair trading are more effective coming from competing suppliers than from customers. So OO.o has a legitimate case as a supplier of Office software. Schoolforge UK as a representative of education interests and AFFS as a political pressure group. If BECTA discriminated against disabled people, organisations supporting the disabled would complain, it doesn't have to be teachers and indeed the more complaints from a wide representation the better. PS - do bring a Mac with OO.o on it to the FLOSSIE conference! -- ian <ian.lynch2@ntlworld.com>