--- Ian Lynch <ian.lynch@zmsl.com> wrote:
Curious as to why you are on this list then since its largely the same issues.
What can I say? I love nostalgia. ;)
You say there is nothing that can be done to get change. Things are changing, albeit slower than we might like. The changes are hard work and nothing worth having generally comes easy. Attitudes are changing - I now have regular meetings with BECTA on behalf of the OSS community, that in itself is a significant change - but there is still a long way to go.
Uh huh. But as I so often see, Microsoft easily combat that, at least for most people by slashing prices, reducing costs, etc. I hope your meetings with BECTA are fruitful.
We are at different stages of this in different applications. Apache is a winner, Linux at the desktop in schools is probably spread through the
Apache always was a winner, cited as Linux's killer-application when it was first launched.
ignore, laugh and fight stages. The use of Open Standards is certainly a high profile theme with BECTA these days but there is massive inertia in the system. Even with committed people now its going to take years,
How high profile? MS-Office is/will(?) purpotedly be using the open standard for office file formats, so that MS-Office and OpenOffice can play nicely together.
there never was a quick fix option. If we just give up and say its all impossible it'll just take longer.
I hope that's all it is; time. Thomas. ___________________________________________________________ Introducing the new Yahoo! Answers Beta A new place to get answers to your questions Try it http://uk.answers.yahoo.com