17 Dec
17 Dec
On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 12:26, Mark Evans wrote:
In the case of the LFT scheme it's the LEAs doing the purchasing anyway.
But they toe the BECTA party line. This was triggered by a primary school teacher asking about buying a laptop from us so I assume that the LEA can delegate. She was told it had to conform to the BECTA spec which was the main reason I came across it.
why can't i use Linux which will? Answer me that one BECTA! Or could it be that you're going to discriminate against native Welsh Speakers then?
What powers does the Welsh Assembly have? Maybe they need lobbying to pass a statute against language discrimination.
Sorry for the rant but this makes me really angry...
Don't get angry, get even :-) -- ian <ian.lynch2@ntlworld.com>