area code for Austria is +43, so would be 00 43 650 889 8551 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:56 AM, David Van Assche<dvanassche@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, I will be in Berlin tomorrow from Midday onwards and would love to get a chance for face to face meets with you guys... My number (Austrian number I may change for a German one while there) is: 650 8898551
Should be a great chance to flesh out some plans before the big event! I am terribly excited to put faces to projects.... viva la Tag!
David (nubae)
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:32 PM, James Tremblay aka SLEducator<fxrsliberty@opensuse.us> wrote:
Travis, We have been deeply involved with the development of 5 for some time now. The team has integrated and even led much of the development of not only v5 put the exploration not only into local app and sound support but also clustering. if you are interested in more details or help join us at #opensuse-edu at irc.freenode.net or post questions to our mailing list by first subscribing. opensuse-edu+subscribe@opensuse.org
Travis Smith wrote:
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:15 PM, James Tremblay aka SLEducator <fxrsliberty@opensuse.us <mailto:fxrsliberty@opensuse.us>> wrote:
Hello everyone, As the founder of the openSUSE-EDU project , I am beaming like a new farther over our "li-f-e" live disks. http://en.opensuse.org/Education/live Please, if you have any interest in open source software in the classroom or simply want to try the best implementation of LTSP available, then download a copy our "stable" and give it a try. This disk is bootable and makes no changes to your hardware, in fact, given a lab that uses a single isolated switch. This disk can transform that room into a modern Linux lab in seconds. Simply boot the disk to reach the Gnome desktop, double click the easy LTSP icon (hit the enter key when the password prompt is presented) and that PC is now an LTSP server. next make sure your other machines boot from PXE as the first device and boot up to 5 client machines using an average PC with 512 mb of Ram as the server. http://en.opensuse.org/Education/live#KIWI-LTSP Please feel free to contact me for more information.
p.s. as the project manager for openSIS I invite you to visit http://lizards.opensuse.org/2009/06/17/need-investors-and-developers/ Please help if you can.
-- James A. Tremblay openSIS Product Specialist
Great work James, out of curiosity is the LTSP being used 4 still or have they made the jump to 5? Also, any discussion being held regarding local apps support?
Thanks, we all appreciate the extra time you put into these projects.
-Travis ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-- James A. Tremblay openSIS Product Specialist http://www.os4ed.com http://www.opensis.com e-mail james "at" os4ed.com Phone (678)392-4031 Registered Linux user #440182 openSUSE-Education founder http://en.opensuse.org/education e-mail sleducator "at" opensuse.org
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