On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 10:40, Richard Rothwell wrote:
Ok - so who is going to address BECTa on this? I've got some contacts there, I bet other people have Ian - are you in touch with the boss for the FLOSSIE conference - want to go for him? Do we want a concerted effrot or a single approach?
Of course any decision in here won't be binding, but it might help if we're working together.
I think its probably better to go for independent lines. I was thinking I would write for clarification on behalf of the OpenOffice.org community. AFFS Chairman can do the same on behalf of AFFS, you could write on behalf of Schoolforge UK. Maybe someone else on behalf of Suse. Then maybe some individuals on behalf of their schools. In the first instance asking for clarification from the CEO Owen Lynch opens a dialogue. Then we can come back if its not to our liking and write to the Chairman etc.
===== rgds, Richard Rothwell -------------------------------------------------------------------- rind (n) acronym for 'rind is not defined'
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-- ian <ian.lynch2@ntlworld.com>